Category: Free Zone Company Registration

How Tax Residency in UAE can help Investors from Germany, Italy, the UK, and the Rest of Europe?

UAE is becoming the most popular trade and economic hub in the world. Tax Residency in UAE is a legal document that is beneficial for companies and individuals living in the country. However, they must be having a permanent establishment in UAE for at least a year. The Government offers various incentives such as Tax Residency to attract foreign investors...

How to Apply for a Metaverse Service License in Dubai?

Metaverse Service License in Dubai is currently one of the most anticipated business license categories. With all the advancements in virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and other software technology, Metaverse has become a reality. More companies are getting actively involved in developing applications for the Metaverse by making Dubai their headquarters. Metaverse Service License in Dubai is expected to witness a...

Freelance License in UAE for Remote Work

UAE is a business-friendly country with a growing opportunity and infrastructure support to promote business and trade in the region. Starting from freelance license to commercial business license, UAE offers a host of business license types for entrepreneurs.
With the onset of Pandemic, the regular working hours are shortened and businesses are taking precautionary measures to comply with the Covid-19 regulations by initiating work from home for the safety of employees and society

How to Setup a Manufacturing Company in Dubai, UAE?

Manufacturing is a major business activity in Dubai that significantly contribute to the GDP of the UAE. A manufacturing License in Dubai is one of the most in-demand business licenses among investors. Thus, the Manufacturing License in Dubai is the required business license to conduct any regional industrial activities. Also, there are a host of business activities under the Manufacturing...

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